Friday, January 28, 2011

Soopadoopa heroes

For one day....and one day only, we revealed our true identities....

Step aside Ironman! This is the real deal.

Kaptein Kaas: 'There's no use crying over spilled milk'

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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

A sneak peak into Khumba's (pre-prod) world....

As the Director, Anthony has many important creative decisions to make every day.....

It's a fur test, can't you tell?

Meet Rick, storyboard artist extraordinaire! Unlike most of us, he is not easily distracted and very rarely turns around - even when we're making a racket.

Daniel and Matt are the formidable duo responsible for bringing Khumba's world to life.

Matt: What would happen if we made his ears this much bigger?
Dan: Mmmm....not too big!
Anthony: Arrrg!

What's wrong with loving pangolins? Pin It