Thursday, April 28, 2011

Animation Writers' Checklist

As we are in the final throes of polishing the Khumba script, we couldn't resist adding to John Deering's checklist that appeared on Cartoon Brew.

5. Fart joke Pin It

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Destination: Zambezia

Our sales agent, Edward Noeltner, head of Cinema Management Group (CMG) has come up with a pretty innovative way of making sure that Zambezia is the talk of Cannes. Read the full article that appeared in Animation Magazine here. Pin It

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Shadows in the studio

Last week was job-shadow day at the studio, and no we didn't feed the aspiring animators to the lion. But they did spend time with the texturing and modeling teams who are busy with R&D so.... close enough. The high school students were also treated to a behind-the-scenes look at Khumba, our second film in the production slate with Director, Anthony Silverston and a brief history of animation in South Africa by Supervising Producer, Stuart Forrest.

Judging by their feedback, the students enjoyed their day at the studio or maybe it's just better than going to school!

“The atmosphere is great, everyone is friendly and it’s really interesting.” “Very relaxed and fun environment and informative.”

“Awesome working environment and everyone is very helpful.”

“You really get to see what you have to do in animation and you are able to see if it’s suitable for you.”

A big thank-you to Cathy, our H.R. Manager, for organising the day!

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Monday, April 18, 2011

It finally hatched!

Directing a movie featuring an all-bird cast has taught Wayne a thing or two about the birds and the bees.

Congratulations to him and Monique on the birth of their baby girl on Friday 15th April. Whoop! Whoop! Pin It

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Are you a storyboard supervisor?

Want to come and work at one of South Africa's leading animation studios? Want to sink your teeth into a 3D animated feature? Are you a storyboard supervisor with more than 2-3 years experience and has the va-va-voom to manage a project? Have you had enough of questions without answers? Well then click here for relief (and for more info on the job). Pin It

Khumba's got legs!

After 4 months of pre-prod, Khumba is officially in production and as you can see from the initial concept art, team-K have been hard at work.

It was inspiring to kick off the month with Anthony briefing the rest of the studio on his vision for the project. For Anthony, co-writing and directing this story is part of a personal journey that we are all now a part of.

But as we begin to realise that there are certain things about ourselves which we can change and other things which we need to accept – even embrace - that is when we come to realise that it is perhaps that very thing with which we struggled our whole lives which has helped shape us… in a positive way. (Director's note)

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mexican Wrap!

With only Lighting & Comp left to go on Zambezia, we celebrated, toasted...and bid farewell (sniff) to some of the banditos and senoritas. As you can see it was a great afternoon of sombreros and moustache-soaked margaritas but we have no explanation for how the Russian spy made it into the photo. Russian (ahem) what Russian? Pin It

Friday, April 1, 2011

(Almost) done that, got the T-shirt

We're almost there so we couldn't resist getting the T-shirt!

Big UP to the Shot Finaling and Point Cache's for reaching their muchos grande deadline of 31 March. Watch this space...Lighting is about to strike next! Pin It