How’s the weather at Triggerfish? And we don’t mean literally...With the production of Zambezia well under way and because we consider our team to be the greatest asset we have, our HR Manager, Cathy Bradley decided it was time to check ’the state of the animation’ by conducting an in-house survey.
26 members of the Triggerfish team participated anonymously in the survey and were given the opportunity to make suggestions or give feedback on a range of issues including: training, working conditions, job expectations, job security, performance, recognition, communication, team-work and leadership confidence. The overall impression was highly favourable with the team feeling secure and happy at the studio. Confidence in leadership and team spirit, in particular, scored highly with the most of the participants saying that their input was being valued and that communication within the studio had improved.
This is what one of the crew had to say: “Apart from being involved in all the processes/stages of making this animation feature, I find myself very intrigued and inspired by the skills of everyone on the team. The constant enthusiasm about Zambezia motivates me all the time to become better at what I do. One can never gather enough knowledge and every day is a wonderful challenge. I can see that Triggerfish has great vision and I am completely inspired by everything that happens here. The project, the management, the team, the enthusiasm, the social efforts, the being-part-of-something-really-amazing causes me to wake up with a smile in the morning and get ready to tackle the day with eagerness and joy! Zambezia is easily the greatest project I’ve ever worked on and I’m hoping there will be more opportunities in the future.” Pin It
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