Friday, April 16, 2010

Au revoir Minnie Mouse

"I want to accomplish as much as I can with the time I have left on this planet… and enjoy what the journey bestows".

Alas and alack we have to say goodbye to Lisa who has been the production co-ordinator on Zambezia for the past 7 months. Lisa will be putting her hard work and talent to good use on the Soccer Cinema team, a travelling cinema that will be screening films in community venues across South Africa in fifty towns.

Lisa has been a freelance production co-ordinator for 6 years and has worked with many reputable companies around Cape Town on a variety of projects from international commercials and feature films, local sitcoms and drama series to documentary film festivals. Zambezia is the first animated feature film she has worked on and, like all us, can't wait to see it on the big screen: "I was totally ecstatic when I got the job. Triggerfish is an amazing studio to work for and Zambezia is a really exciting project". The animated character she most identifies with is Minnie Mouse...why? Because that's her namesake, Lisa Mini.

We'll miss you Miss Mini Pin It

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