Monday, August 20, 2012

Big (Idea) Friday!

Last Friday was "Big Friday" at Triggerfish Animation Studios! Instead of everybody doing their regular work on "Khumba", we were given the day to work on any other creative projects dear to our hearts. 

Anyone who had an idea for something they wanted to conceptualise or create posted their ideas onto the Triggerfish forum. People then had the chance to browse through all the different ideas and chose a team to join for the day!

Groups ranged from redesigning our offices, to brainstorming marketing and merchandising for "Khumba", to conceptualising a short film based on the synopsis for a potential third feature film, and creating augmented reality apps and a casual game based on our own I.P! Kelly Dillon and her team got the opportunity to work on her "award" winning short film "Bellyflop". Her team managed to storyboard most of the short, and even created a soundtrack for it!

The Bellyflop team hard at work!

Brainstorming ideas for a new studio short!

The gaming team with their thinking caps on!

Watch this space, as the studio partners will be looking at each group's ideas and material they managed to generate, and will be picking a winner!

The idea is to have Big Friday more than once, to give people the opportunity to expand on what they accomplished last Friday, and to take their projects even further!

*All images by Anthony Silverston

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