Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Zambezia featured in Animation Magazine

This article about Zambezia appeared in Animation Magazine. Woop! Woop! Pin It

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello, my name is Mariasole and I am with the VIEW Conference, "the premiere international event in Italy on Computer Graphics, Interactive Techniques, Digital Cinema, 3D Animation, Gaming and VFX." I was hoping that you would be so kind as to include information about our conference on your website. We will of course reciprocate this action. The conference will take place from October 26-29, 2010 with the following deadlines:

VIEW's Promo Contest-- October 23, 2010

VIEWfest, "a global network of digital movie festivals," is also organized by the VIEW Conference and will occur from October 29-31, 2010 at Cinema Massimo in Turin, Italy.The deadline for ITALIANMIX was September 15, 2010.

You may also, of course, include the URL for both the conference ( and the festival ( on your site so that your clients can more readily access additional information.

Thank you in advance.

Mariasole Forno
Corso Marconi, 38
10125 Turin

Turin, 26-29 October 2010
Deadline: VIEW AWARD and ITALIAN MIX 15 September
Tel. +39 011 6680948;